Friday, June 9, 2006

Pillows of Ancient China: Courtesy of the San Diego Chinese Historical Museum

In ancient China, pillows were an integral part of the Chinese bedchamber. Yet, despite its folk origin, pillows can be found in virtually all Chinese homes. The earliest pillows were not designed as art objects but were devices for rest and comfort. As pillows slowly evolved into decorative art objects, the designs on them often reflected the sentiment of the artist in his or her distinct local style. Some of the themes in these designs included exorcising demons, averting evil influences, and promoting auspiciousness. The pillows were also made from many different materials including pottery, silk, cloth, ceramic, wood, rattan, and bamboo. Since the mid-nineteenth century, China has been subjected to ever increasing Western influence. After an initial rejection of the West, the Chinese accepted and welcomed the changes brought by the Westerners. Under these circumstances, numerous Chinese traditions, customs and artifacts including the traditional Chinese pillow have been totally discarded or replaced by their Western counterparts. As a result, a great number of folk art objects have also disappeared at an astonishing pace. Now, many members of our younger generation have no conception of what many of these artifacts were, how they were used or that they were commonly available seventy or eighty years ago.

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